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Hack Run – Download game for Android/iOS

date 2024-04-24 点击 86

Game overview

Hack into a mysterious organization, uncover secrets, and discover dirty little secrets about employees using old-school command prompts in Hack RUN®.

Game description generated withAI

Uncover deep-rooted secrets by hacking through a cryptic organization in Hack RUN®. This game assimilates a real operating system with old-school command prompts reminiscent of DOS or UNIX. Take control of each system by familiarizing yourself with various commands to conquer different obstacles thrown your way.

Follow your instincts and learn more about the shady organization and its employees by delving into their system files and emails. Collect clues and insights into their hidden motives and diabolical plans. Along the way, you may stumble upon news abouRummy t the organization's unsavory employees' personal secrets.

Level up your hacking proficiency by penetrating new accounts and uncovering vital information. The final target lies at the depth of over 50 levels, which you will eventually achieve as you tread along.

Need help? Use the 'hint' or 'answer' features to help you circle back on your path.

Please note that Hack RUN® is a game; it does not offer any training or assistance in regards to hacking real computer systems. i273, LLC does not encourage any forms of hacking. Don't forget to check out the next game in the series, Hack Run ZERO!